This Week’s Recommendations

  1. When Jesus Acted Out a Parable to Explain the Gospel: Sinclair Ferguson explains how significant Jesus’ act in the Upper Room was. His chart that lines up the passage with Paul’s interpretation in Philippians in pretty cool. Ferguson says, “Clearly something deeper is going on here than Jesus merely removing dust and dirt. This is a prophetic action—like those performed by Jeremiah and Ezekiel. He is acting out a parable of the gospel, showing them by means of a dramatic sign both who He is and what He has come to do.”

  2. Why Do People Look So Serious in Old Photos? The traditional explanations have been that it is because of the exposure time or poor teeth. Merrill Fabry argues it is a different, cultural reason.

  3. The Cross and Criticism: Alfred Poirier reflects on the danger of pride and yes men in our lives. He says, “In response to my sin, the cross has criticized and judged me more intensely, deeply, pervasively, and truly than anyone else ever could. This knowledge permits us to say to all other criticism of us: ‘This is just a fraction of it.’” And later, “In other words, no one can criticize me more than the cross has. And the most devastating criticism turns out to be the finest mercy.”

  4. The Comfort of Samson: Keith Samson encourages us, “In his infinite wisdom, and in a way that defies human intellect, the Lord sees fit to redeem wretches like you and me. He is pleased to take us from darkness and bring us into the kingdom of his beloved Son. The Omnipotent One overcomes our sinfulness, both past and ongoing odiousness, and uses us for his purposes.”

  5. The 2021 Audobon Photography Awards: It delighted me to see the southwest’s Roadrunner take home top prize. The final shot, with the Eastern Chipmunk looking up at the Red-tailed Hawk while in his grasp is one I won’t quickly forget.

Photo by Museums Victoria on Unsplash