This Week's Recommendations

1.       1 in 3 Teens Say They're Religiously Unaffiliated: Aaron Earls reports on findings about teens and religion. One of the interesting notes is that, "Among those who dropped out between the ages of 18 and 22, only 31% say they now attend church regularly."

2.       A Tale of Two Failures: My friend Jeff Johnson with a reflection on a bridge, two engineering failures and why they ought to make us rethink the "fail fast" motto adopted by many in the business world.

3.       12 Things I'd Tell My 25 Year-Old Self About Life and Leadership: Such a great list by Carey Niewhof. He begins with an invitation to trust and submit to the Bible: "For almost my entire life, I have believed that the Word of God is just that – the Word of God. I always landed on the side that trusts the authority of scripture. But I would read certain passages and say to myself “Come on….really?” I thought I knew better."

4.       How is Your Prayer Life? Crossway asked that question to Americans and got a helpful glimpse into the average American's prayer life.

5.       Interactive Fireflies: This is a fun and interactive explanation of how fireflies can synchronize.

Photo by Hazel Clifton on Unsplash