Robert Martin

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations
  1. How did the King of Kings Die? Robert Martin begins, “In the ancient world there was a man declared to be ‘the King of kings.’ His reign was very short but he was widely influential, had thousands of admiring followers, and his presence brought peace and hope to many. Yet his life was cut short through a premature death. This king was Odaenathus, the king of the small but extraordinarily influential independent city-state of Palmyra in the third century.”

  2. Study finds Gen Z Wants to Know More About Jesus: Andy Macinnis reports some encouraging news, “The study found “a lot of just openness, country over country,” said Daniel Copeland, lead researcher on the project.”

  3. The Shadow is a Small and Passing Thing: I love Lara d’Entremont’s writing. She concludes, “To God, this Shadow is but a dust cloud, and with a wave of his hand, he will blow it away forever and one day draw me into eternal life—where he is the eternal light, and darkness has finally been banished forever. Until then, we press on with weak hands and aching feet, because God made this world good, and there’s still beauty worth fighting for despite its fallenness.”

  4. Wrath is not an Attribute of God: Jeremy Treat rebuffs a common misunderstanding, “In our society, love is often reduced to affection or affirmation. To love someone is either to have warm feelings toward her or to affirm her without conditions. And when people in our society think of the wrath of God, they imagine a red-faced deity with a bad temper and short fuse.”

  5. Two Days to Change Her Mind: A sobering account (I recommend listening to the podcast, not just reading the transcript) of a woman fighting to protect her mom from Canada’s euthanasia laws.