
Want to Join the Team?

Want to Join the Team?

On November 3 my first book will hit the shelves. Whether you know it or not, you’ve been an important partner in writing this book. The book is co-authored by my friend and fellow blogger, Benjamin Vrbicek and it is on the topic of blogging. Blogging for God’s Glory in a Clickbait World is a guide for bloggers or aspiring bloggers, pointing them back to the goal of Christian blogging and providing helpful practices and tips.

For those of you who have an itch to write, I hope this book provides a nudge and a road map. For those of you who have friends who are bloggers or who might blog, I hope that you consider gifting this book to them as an encouragement.

You’ve been here with me through this journey of blogging and I would be honored if you would consider joining our Launch Team. Here is what it will mean.

If you are willing to serve on the launch team, we will send you a digital version of the book in the next few weeks to give you time to read it before its November 3 launch.

Another blog? Why?

Another blog? Why?

Why does the world need another blog? I suppose for the same reason the world needs another church. Those of us who play very minor roles in God’s kingdom could step aside for those who are more gifted, who have larger platforms, and who devote more time to something like a blog than a run-of-the-mill associate pastor at a small large church in a small large town.

But just as we don’t encourage our people to flip on TBN on Sunday morning or put up a screen and run the best of John Piper and Tim Keller on our platform during our services, I have the audacity to believe that God has the purpose for even those small stones that build up his holy house (1 Pet 2:5).