
Why the Enemy Wants You to Think You’re Alone

Why the Enemy Wants You to Think You’re Alone

“I’m sure no one has ever told you this.”

“It’s so bad. You are going to think terrible things about me.”

“Everyone would hate me if they knew what I was thinking.”

“There is no one who loves me for me.”

I’ve heard each of these helpless words from those who sat on the couch in my office. They are raw, vulnerable, and heartbreaking confessions. The words leak hearts’ crippling loneliness and fears that they are destined to remain alone.

I’ve been there. Discouragement spiraled into depression. I multiplied my angst by entangling myself in sin. I didn’t think anyone would understand. I was too afraid to ask anyone for help. Lies compounded sin.

I remember sitting on the other side, watching my wife Angel slide into depression and then sin. It was debilitating to watch her slip into darkness, and I didn’t know how to get help. I felt frozen. I felt as though there was a layer of me no one would ever know. These were all lies. But they were powerful lies.

Satan traffics in lies. He wants you to believe that God is not good, that you are alone, and that your shame can never be removed. Those are all profound deceptions. In 1 Peter 5:8, we are reminded to “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” Don’t be deceived, Peter says; you have to fight to stay out of the enemy’s jaws. There is one who intends to destroy you.

This Week’s Recommendations

This Week’s Recommendations
  1. The Liturgy of Social Media: This post is similar to my recent series on consumerism. In it TM Suffield shares ways the messages social media subtly shapes us with. He begins with this, “1. The instant is important: New matters. Whatever is newest matters most. Breaking news, new status updates from friends, this week’s bruhaha on the bird site.”

  2. A Letter from a Teenage Anti-Christian Skeptic: Randy Newman’s post highlights a surprising skeptic. God really is amazing, isn’t he?

  3. 4 Types of Itching Ears: Eric Geiger explains the difference between theological, lifestyle, ethical, and political itching ears. He says what makes them similar is this: “With all the itching ears, the starting point is the error. Instead of beginning with the Scripture, the person begins ‘with what they want to hear.’ Itching ears are never sanctified ears because instead of being conformed by teaching they curate teaching “for what they want to hear.”

  4. God Scares Me to Death: Ed Welch considers why speaking aloud the frightening truths of our hearts is beneficial. He concludes, “Your soul is close to the breaking point already. The one who now strikes fear in your heart is the only one who can assuage your fears and mend a soul in pieces.”

  5. Pride in the Name of Love: Jared Wilson on just how deep the disease of selfishness goes. “The Christian message begins with the stark realization that we are not the center of the universe. Like Leo in Titanic, we stand at the bow, spreading our arms to span the horizon, not realizing we’re headed for disaster. We proclaim, ‘I’m the king of the world!’ And then the ship sinks.”

A Prayer for 9/11

A Prayer for 9/11

Twenty years ago terrorists brought down the Twin Towers. Our nation had to come to grips with the brazen evil set against it. Today, fears of terrorism have spiked as the mishandling of the pull-out in Afghanistan has empowered the terrorist organizations again.

In the face of grief and danger, our hearts naturally turn to fear, anger, and blame. Instead, God invites us to turn to him.

Would you join me in using Psalm 10 as a prayer for our hearts today?

Why, O Lord, do you stand far away?
Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?

2 In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor;
let them be caught in the schemes that they have devised.
3 For the wicked boasts of the desires of his soul,
and the one greedy for gain curses[
a] and renounces the Lord.

God, it is so hard to understand why you would allow evil in this world. It is such a challenge to see those who are wicked prosper. We come to you and ask why? Why do you not bring justice? Why do you not protect the defenseless?

This Week’s Recommendations

This Week’s Recommendations
  1. Why it Matters to Be Human: I have been wanting to write a similar post. Phil Cooke wrote it better. He talks about science, faith, and Covid. He begins, “One of the most tiring arguments on social media these days are from people who debate science versus religion. In so many cases, they don’t understand the purpose of each, and as a result, look in the wrong place for the answers they seek. It’s one of the reasons people who have no religious faith look on those who do as ignorant and backwards.”

  2. Have You Tasted Heaven? Tim Challies shares a simple story of a poor boy who tastes an orange for the first time. Have you ever tasted something so sweet you long to visit where it is from? There is a truth here for all of us.

  3. Americans Most Want to Avoid Fear and Anxiety, Gain Freedom and Safety: Lifeway Research’s recent poll reveals what Americans run to and run from. Asked what feeling they avoid most, “4 in 10 U.S. adults (41%) say fear. Far fewer say shame (24%) or guilt (22%). Around 1 in 10 aren’t sure.”

  4. What Motivates Sin (and How to Fight it): Amy Hall begins by explaining that sin is “…when you think you’re missing out on something good that you try to grab things God hasn’t given you in a way he hasn’t allowed. You think you’re missing out on something wonderful and that you need to rectify that situation in order to have a truly fulfilled life, when in reality, the only way to truly miss out is by not being obedient in the situation God has you in right now.”

  5. Will God Really Praise Us? John Piper answers this question, “What did you mean that we will be praised and glorified? Isn’t this for God alone? If not, what Bible verses would help this make sense to me?”