This Week's Recommendations

  1. Don’t Date that Guy: Melissa Edgington shares sage advice she offers her 17-year-old daughter. “If I could offer one piece of advice to women who are dating, it would be this: don’t go on even one date with a man you already know you shouldn’t marry. Every marriage begins with a first date. Feelings of flattery can quickly lead to feelings to infatuation which can quickly lead to feelings of love.”

  2. Imagining Your “Well Done”: Reagan Rose reshapes advice from leaders about living a life directed toward what you want on your tombstone to living a life directed toward what you hope Jesus says to you. He says, “There’s one thing that always bothered me about the practice of writing your own eulogy. It emphasizes living a life motivated by what other people will say about you. When, instead, we should be living for an audience of One.”

  3. How to Spot Political Manipulation and Give it No Quarter: Bruce Ashford offers some helpful tools to go along with this assessment, “In the political sphere, manipulation seems to be the soup du jour. One might even conclude that some political leaders have elevated the logical fallacy to the level of their own literary genre. Thus, it is important for us to be aware of the ways in which our hearts and minds can be “stolen” by political manipulation.”

  4. As If God Ever Made an Atlantic Wide Enough: Tim Challies quotes Theodore Cuyler, who says, “There are some of us who have known what it is to drink bitter draughts of affliction, and to have the four corners of our house smitten by a terrible sorrow. At such times, how hollow and worthless were many of the stereotyped prescriptions for comfort!”

  5. Earthrise, Then and Now: Beautiful footage of the earth rising and setting on the moon.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash