Tremper Longman III

Do You Want to Be Wise?

Do You Want to Be Wise?

I was never the biggest fan of the book of Proverbs. The 31 chapters packed full of aphorisms felt a little too self-helpy for my taste. I struggled with what felt like the lack of grace in the book, the apparent void of the need of the redeeming work of Christ. I was challenged by the fact that it felt like there wasn’t enough nuance. I found myself scratching my head in response to verses like “A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich” (Prov 10:4), and asking, “But what about the diligent born in Venezuela?”[i]

But now I get it!

As so often happens, when you’re forced to sit in a book in prayer, the book comes to life in fresh ways. We’ve had the gift of preaching through the book of Proverbs over the past month. You can check out the series here, if you want to follow our journey through the book of Proverbs. I’ve felt the book coming to life in ways I never have before.

I want to proclaim the joy and power of Proverbs from the rooftops. Who doesn’t want to be wise? I long for wisdom, and Proverbs has made me thirst for wisdom and the author of wisdom all the more.

If you long for wisdom, I encourage you to sink your teeth into Proverbs. If, like me, you need some companions along the way to help you appreciate the book more, I encourage you to check out these two great introductions to the book of Proverbs.