Hell's doors vs Heaven's doors

This Week’s Recommendations

This Week’s Recommendations
  1. Sin is Death? Pierce Taylor Hibbes begins his profound post on how we can say that sin is death this way, ““Sin is death” sounds like something you’d hear echoing from a bullhorn in a city that embraces noise as part of its culture.”

  2. What Lewis Had Wrong About Hell: Paul Dirks confronts CS Lewis’s notion that the gates of hell are locked from the inside. He explains that, “In other words, man’s will to populate hell thwarts God’s desire that they should be in heaven. In Lewis’ view, God—in a particular but important sense—is eternally defeated.”

  3. Why You Must Leverage Your Self-Despair: Dane Ortlund doesn’t want us to waste our discouragement. He says, “Fallen human beings enter into joy only through the door of despair. Fullness can be had only through emptiness.”

  4. Is there Such a Thing as Righteous Anger? Maybe not. Marli begins, “As a teenager, I took a hunter safety course at a Christian retreat center that also hosts hunting groups. On the wall by one of the main doors, there was a spattering of holes, scars from a shotgun accident. Thankfully it only injured the wall, and turned into a convenient object lesson for gun safety. A sign next to the hole reads, “There’s no such thing as an empty gun.”

  5. Ocean Depth Comparison: Oh, how little we know!