God and Mathematics

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1. 4 Distinctives of a Christian View of Race: Jesse Johnson argues that, “A distinctly Christian view on race is critical because it brings clarity to our thinking about conflict in our world, and it brings hope to individuals as they seek to live in peace. And a Christian view of race is unique—it makes us stand apart from the evolutionary thinking that has gripped most of the world on this issue, and it separates us from the cultural Marxism that has forced its way into America’s current racial dynamics.

2. The Goodness of the Wrath of God: My friend Sarah Sanderson with an absolute knock-out article on why it is a mercy that our God is wrathful. She concludes, “It is good news, all of it. It means we are loved. It means that God roars over all of us, charging fierce in the face of evil, ‘Get your hands off of them. They’re mine.’”

3. 8 Prayers for the Online Dating Journey: Margot Starbuck begins, “When single folks like me—who on many days would prefer to be partnered—talk to God, our prayer life can sometimes sound a bit demanding.”

4. 8 Reasons I Stopped Stressing About Losing My Salvation: Eric Geiger begins, “The question “Can I lose my salvation” is one of the biggest questions I wrestled with when I first became a Christian. I loved Jesus but still struggled with so many things and because I struggled with so many things, I wondered if my struggles would take me outside of God’s grace.”

5. God and Mathematics: William Lane Craig’s organization with a consideration of how the laws of mathematics point to the existence of God.