How to Go Back to School

It’s here! New backpacks are filled with unclicked mechanical pencils and crisp highlighters. New sneakers are ready to be laced up and fresh hair cuts sported. School is back.

I look back with fondness at many years of schooling and regret how I spent a couple of those years. My kids are entering their senior and sophomore years in high school. I want to see them thrive in the year ahead. As those in the thick of it, I processed these questions with them:

How can you make the best of this school year? Better yet, how can the year ahead be used for God’s glory?

We agreed on the following encouragements:

Create Healthy Spiritual Rhythms

One of the challenges of summertime is the irregular schedule. Ironically, though we have more time during the summer than during the school year, our spiritual rhythms can take a hit. You have a chance now to re-set your spiritual life. Start every day in the Word and prayer. Make church a priority. Serve. Put these rhythms in your calendar now before other good things fill it up (sports, clubs, social events). Talk to your parents and friends about holding you accountable.

Make Intentional Friendships

You need strong Christian friendships. Seek out and invest in Christian friends at church and at school. You will grow the most if your closest friends are Christians. But don’t neglect friendships with unbelievers. God purposed you to be a light. Have eyes to see those that God wants you to show his love to and to declare the best news we can offer: the gospel. Finally, look for someone who is lonely. Perhaps that will be a new student. Or maybe it will be someone who had a fall out with their friend group over the summer. Be a friend to the friendless.

Be Curious

Some of you might be tempted to strive for achievement. Perhaps you care a lot about grades, or about getting into the right college. Others of you will struggle to be motivated and stay engaged in classes that seem dull to you. For both the achiever and the bored I have the same encouragement: be curious. School is an opportunity to discover God’s world. You have a job every bit as important as the jobs your parents have. Your calling is to learn. Don’t study for the sake of achievement. Don’t learn just because you’re forced to. God has given every one of us the gift of curiosity. No matter what the course is, look for something to be curious about. What are you interested in related to the class? Fuel that fire.

Do It All for the Glory of God

God has made you for his glory and delight. Please don’t waste a moment not glorifying him. When you wake up and really don’t want to go to school, remember that God has purposed you to magnify him at school today. When you are confused and frustrated in your math class, remember God desires for you to exalt him even in your academic struggles. When you spring out to the playground to play four square with your friends, don’t forget that God desires for you to worship him on the playground. You glorify him in your hard work, you glorify him in your kindness, you glorify him in your humility. Every moment, every relationship, every homework assignment is an opportunity to bring glory to your loving Creator. How’s that for a big responsibility?

I’m praying that God gives you the best school year ever!



Photo by Reno Laithienne on Unsplash