This Week's Recommendations

  1. Candlelight: Scott Schuleit considers candlelight and Jesus’s birth, “And further back in the sanctuary, something was veiled, hidden—a single, tiny radiating spot of fire, a whisper from heaven, perfect convergence of candle and flame. The uniqueness of its presence swallowing up a sense of the vastness of space as if all eternity, the great weight of it, stood hushed, gazing.”

  2. Five myths about mental healthTom Karel begins, “Mental illness. For many, that is a scary term. ‘You have a mental illness.’ This statement borders on terrifying! It brings up many unsettling thoughts and complicated fears in our hearts and minds. This subject is further confused by the many differing opinions swirling around the internet. Moreover, in the post-Christian era in which we live, Christians may wonder if the advice they find is true, scientific, or Biblical?”

  3. Christmas should humble usSeth Lewis shares, “Christmas is a rescue story. Jesus is the One who comes to rescue, and we are the ones being rescued. Being rescued is a reason for joy, certainly, but not a reason for pride. When the bells ring for Christmas, they ring out loud and clear our deep and desperate need for a Saviour.”

  4. When puzzles drive me madChris Thomas reflects on the dreaded Christmas present, the puzzle, “It’s okay to feel like you don’t have it all figured out. We live in an age where something is only credible if you can explain it. Even in matters of faith there are those who feel this way. Yes, we’re called to think carefully on these things, and give ourselves to careful consideration of God’s Word; I don’t want to discourage you from reasoned and careful study of the things of God. But listen carefully—God is bigger and greater than what you and I can figure out in our tiny, finite minds.”

  5. No, Christmas is Not PaganRed Pen Logic offers a clear response to myths about the creation of Christmas in this video

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash