The Bee Hive

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This Week's Recommendations

  1. Lifetimes in landscapesBrianna Lambert with a wonderfully evocative piece of writing, “He grew up in the foothills of the forest. Where the horizon disappeared behind the blue ridges. He’d spend his days with his eyes lifted towards the clouds that kissed the forehead of the mountaintops.”

  2. How to get the most out of your counseling sessionsJason Hsieh says, “Just as you would take a doctor’s medical prescriptions seriously. You can do this by regularly reviewing those particular biblical perspectives and following through on any new habits to form that you discuss.”

  3. Want rest? Start with a humble heartSarah J. Hauser begins, “Sometimes praying for rest is like praying for patience. If you’ve ever prayed for patience, maybe you’ll know what I mean. When I need to be more patient (pretty much all the time), what I really want is for God to shower me with loads of supernatural patience. I want to suddenly be calm and serene instead of frantic and harried.”

  4. 5 bad reasons to get a divorceJoe Carter shares, “In a world where the sanctity of marriage is increasingly under siege, it’s crucial to reevaluate the reasons often cited for divorce. There are undoubtedly situations where divorce may be a biblically justifiable option, such as cases of abandonment, abuse, or infidelity. But as the survey shows, there are many instances where a better understanding of commitment and values could be enough to save the marriage.”

  5. Love your church anywayHeidi Kellogg asks, “How could each of us, who claimed to love Jesus, arrive at such different conclusions about a conflict? How were we supposed to untangle who was sinning and who was justified when perhaps everyone was both sinning and justified to some extent? How could we begin to make peace when the ugly words and deeds that had passed between us couldn’t be undone?”

  6. 3-D model of the templeGreat rendering!

Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash